Sunday 21 June 2009

Definitely, Maybe

A likeable, smart romantic comedy with a rather uncharismatic Ryan Reynolds playing Will, an ad exec who has just received divorce papers from his wife. Prompted by the imminent separation of her parents, daughter Maya (Abigail Breslin, irritating beyond belief) asks to know how they first met and fell in love, hoping for a reconciliation. Will agrees, but on the condition that Maya has to guess which of the three women Will has loved, ended up becoming his wife (he's changed their names). The choices are college sweetheart Emily (Elizabeth Banks), intelligent sophisticate Summer (Rachel Weisz) or fiery free spirit April (Isla Fisher)?

Will's story begins in the early 90s as he works on the Clinton campaign and the passing of time is marked by obvious political signifiers rather than the fashion or the music. The first third of the film is the least successful. Elizabeth Banks is stuck in the same cute-but-dull role that she's mined to better effect elsewhere. Definitely, Maybe is much more interesting when we're in the company of Summer and April. Rachel Weisz manages to make a potentially irritating character sympathetic and believable. Meanwhile, Isla Fisher demonstrates that she's the most gifted comic actress this side of Anna Faris with a totally lovable, sparkly performance that's equal amounts flinty wit and vulnerability.

It's obvious from a fairly early stage who Will truly loves out of the three women, but the script has some fun with themes of storytelling, pointing out Will's ability to write and rewrite his own destiny. Or perhaps that's reading too much into a film that is, ultimately, just some good-natured fun.

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